ICT and Education

The use and integration of ICT in building inclusive knowledge societies for all and for overall socio-economic development is increasingly on the agenda of almost all developing countries of Sub-Saharan Africa. ICT are seen as an important catalyst and accelerator for development, having the ability to attract investment, create job opportunities, promote knowledge building and sharing, facilitate innovation and contribute to good governance and more efficient and transparent provision of public services. ICT facilitate inclusiveness by enabling citizens anywhere to access information and knowledge. ICT together with education empower citizens to be aware of their rights and to participate actively in shaping public policy, governance and development.  Source: www.gesci.org

Read more from, http://www.gesci.org/ict-and-education.html

New report: Children’s online risks & opportunities: comparative findings from EU Kids Online & Net Children Go Mobile

From experience to meaning...

The past years we had both EU Kids Online and Mobile Youth investigating the use of technology by kids and youth in the different member states of the EU.

They just published a comparative report which highlights the latest findings on children’s online access and use; activities; social networking; digital skills; risks and harm; parental mediation and recommendations. It includes a wealth of graphs comparing the findings from the EU Kids Online and Net Children Go Mobile surveys, focusing on seven European countries. The report thus offers urgent recommendations for industry, government, educators and awareness-raisers and families.

These are the insights of the executive summary:

  • In 2010, half of European 9-16 year olds ever used the internet in their bedroom; now two thirds go online there weekly.
  • Internet use at school is highest in Denmark and the UK and it is very low in Italy.
  • Although children do more online in 2014, most…

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